Abschied von Gerd Grzesczak – Farewell to Gerd Grzesczak

Abschied von Gerd Grzesczak * 17.06.1950   † 02.07.2024 Es ist schwer, die richtigen Worte für den Verlust eines Menschen zu finden, der in unserem Leben solch eine große Bedeutung hatte. Schweren Herzens verabschieden wir uns von Gerd Grzesczak, einem für uns...

Ponyherz – Wild & Frei

Im vergangenen Jahr haben wir in der Umgebung Hamburg, Thüringen und NRW den Kinofilm "Ponyherz" nach dem gleichnamigen Buch von Usch Luhn gedreht (Regie: Markus Dietrich / Plaion Pictures & Riva Film). Nun läuft der Film endlich in den Kinos und wir freuen uns...

50jähriges Stunt- Jubiläum von Gerd Grzesczak

Gerd Grzesczak - Um alles Spannende über Gerd zu erzählen, würde ich hier wohl ein ganzes Buch schreiben müssen, aber ich versuche Euch hier einen kurzen Einblick über den Menschen Gerd Grzesczak zu geben. Ich selbst habe Gerd erst 2008 kennengelernt, aber ich hatte...
end of summer season – part two

end of summer season – part two

  MPS (Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum): The summer season has also been very busy with the medieval knight tournament "MPS". This was our final season and it was surely a bit sad, but after three seasons and a long journey it is time to say good bye and hand...

end of summer season – part one

end of summer season – part one

Summer high season is over and we are all a bit exhausted but really grateful for another great season! With the three major projects "Ostwind 4", "Immenhof", "Die Pferde von Wildenstein" and various little projects like "Frühling", "Sweat Hearts", "Unter Leuten" and...

end of summer season – part two

end of summer season – part two

  MPS (Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum): The summer season has also been very busy with the medieval knight tournament "MPS". This was our final season and it was surely a bit sad, but after three seasons and a long journey it is time to say good bye and hand...

end of summer season – part one

end of summer season – part one

Summer high season is over and we are all a bit exhausted but really grateful for another great season! With the three major projects "Ostwind 4", "Immenhof", "Die Pferde von Wildenstein" and various little projects like "Frühling", "Sweat Hearts", "Unter Leuten" and...